Listen to the newest episodes here!

Meet Dylan

Meet your host, Dylan Bliss.

Listen here!

Episode 4

Meet Melissa Mulligan, recording industry coach extraordinaire! If you’re an aspiring musician, songwriter, vocalist, musical theater performer, or have a desire to know more about the music industry, you’re going to want to listen to this one!

Listen here!

Episode 3

Meet Ryan Schwary a senior at UCLA who is interning at Atlantic Records under marketing, sales/streaming, & brand partnerships.

Listen here!

Episode 2

Meet Spud Groshong, a 37 year old monitor engineer who travels the world with bands and on his own.

Listen here!

Episode 1

Meet Evan Carr, a 17-year old musician from Dallas, Texas. Evan talks all about being an aspiring musician.

Listen here!

Music Business Magic

Helping teenagers with a dream of going into the music business find the best path for them to take. We talk to music business professionals and get their input, as well as learn about their jobs and roles in the music business.

The music business is not easy to navigate or insert yourself into. It’s strongly based on who you know rather than what you know. These music business professionals will explain how they got where they are.

Getting strong music business advice is what Music Business Magic strives for. Speaking to knowledgeable professionals or aspiring professionals can provide inspiration and motivation to get yourself out there into the music business world.

Next Steps…

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